科技即時通的有線連結 擊樂無國界的無限互動 Percussion一種跨世代的溝通語言 TIPC一個超越極限的巔峰盛會 世界在此連成一線
台灣 朱宗慶打擊樂團 Ju Percussion Group (Taiwan)
精準的技法、完美的默契、熱情奔放的舞臺魅力,讓你心醉神馳,欲罷不能! Precision, perfection and passion. Ju Percussion Group has made percussion music closer to people’s hearts.
Equipped with passion, energy and ardent dedication, Ju Percussion Group is one of the most important modern percussion groups in Asia and around the world. By blending the East and West, the traditional and contemporary, Ju Percussion Group’s unique style is vividly illustrated with strong geniality and stage presence in lively and vigorous music that captures audiences. Since 1993, Ju Percussion Group has been hosting the triennial Taipei International Percussion Convention (TIPC) with great success. Great percussionists, artists and music lovers travel around the world to participate in the event. By bringing the world together in TIPC, the dream of one musical village is one step closer.
奧地利 進階打擊樂團 The Next Step Percussion Group (Austria) 意想不到的創新元素,顛覆你對打擊樂的印象。 With unexpected innovative elements, the Next Step overthrows your knowledge for percussion!
進階打擊樂團以高超的演奏技法,利用超乎想像的素材,嘗試各種方式開發並突破樂器本身音質,多種創意層層堆疊,引領觀眾進入超現實科幻場景中的詭譎氛圍中。近年也跨入音樂劇場的演出形式,作品「進階秀(the next step show)」與「蛻變 (trance4mation)」,在各地大型活動中廣受好評。此次來台以全套創新的曲目進行「亞洲首演」,帶領台灣觀眾一起「進」入打擊樂的前衛異想「階」段。
Just as the name implies, the Next Step Percussion Group is a group moving to take percussion to the next step with innovation. Treading the fine line of entertainment and new art forms, the group overthrows your perceptions of percussion music. Equipped with virtuosic technique, surprising materials, creative ideas, breaking timbre boundaries, they lead the audiences into mesmerizing soundscapes. The Next Step has recently stepped into the realm of theatrical shows, springing forth works like “ the next step show” and “trance4mation” with raving reviews. This TIPC, the group brings a brand new program for their Asian premiere, inviting Taiwan audiences on an adventure to The Next Step!
墨西哥 譚畢哥打擊樂團 Tambuco Percussion Ensemble (Mexico) 體驗拉丁美洲的動感,讓你無法安坐於椅上的節奏! Experience the Latino tempo! Tambuco Percussion Ensemble plays to tempt you out of your seats!
Mexico? Why, of course sombrero, tequila, jalapeno, Mayan ruins, passionate people, sunshine, and, the world famous Tambuco Percussion Ensemble. Three times Grammy nominee for “Best Ensemble Performance”, “Best Classical Album” and for Latin Grammys, Tambuco Percussion Ensemble received critical acclaim from The Washington Post as “high artistic quality, high aesthetics and technical virtuosity beyond any doubt.”. Tambuco Percussion Ensemble owns decorative repertoire ranging from ethnic drum music to avant-garde sound interpretation. With Latin America’s rhythmic nature, Tambuco Percussion Ensemble has conquered hearts of the world!
荷蘭 皮可沙打擊樂團 Percossa (The Netherlands) 電音、Party Music、音樂秀,全都在皮可沙打擊樂團。 Electronic music, party music, and music shows, they all scream out “Percossa”!
Street artists in the concert hall? You bet! Percossa from Holland is a troop of amazing artists who started in the streets and stepped on center stage of the world. In street performances, it’s life or death in a flash. One minute you own the cheering crowd of hundreds; the next, you feel the frosting chill of an empty plaza. Coming from the streets, Percossa learnt to capture the world’s eyes with its energetic and dynamic shows. Percossa presents spectacular shows with fluent combination of African rhythms, Japanese taiko, jazz, folk arts, theater and dance with extravagant theatrical effects. A Percossa experience is definitely an unforgettable one!
美國 紅魚藍魚打擊樂團 Red Fish Blue Fish (U.S.A.) 極簡的音樂線條,勾勒出超現實的未來曲風 With minimalistic musical lines, Red Fish Blue Fish sketches the outline of futuristic music!
由現代打擊樂界極富聲望的史蒂芬.席克(Steven Schick)領軍的紅魚藍魚打擊樂團,於國際打擊樂壇上扮演實驗者的重要角色。紅魚藍魚打擊樂團因其創新的風格與實驗的精神,經常受邀擔任當代著名的作曲家新作的首演工作。大膽開發各種聲響的可能;小心演練各種具體的演奏方法,讓勇於突破紅魚藍魚打擊樂團,成為現代打擊樂不可或缺的重要推手。
Led by prestigious percussionist Steven Schick, Red Fish Blue Fish is an important experimenter in the international percussion scene. Their innovation and experimentations on music have brought them in close collaborations with renowned contemporary composers. Daring to experiment different sounds and techniques, Red Fish Blue Fish is an indispensable leader in contemporary percussion music.
法國 史特拉斯堡打擊樂團 Les Percussions de Strasbourg (France) 全球首支打擊樂團,冷冽、前衛的現代風格,未來擊樂世代的開拓先鋒。 First percussion ensemble in the world. Modern and avant-garde in every era. Les Percussions de Strasbourg is the pioneer of future percussion generation!
Not constrained by tradition, Les Percussions de Strasbourg brought together instruments from the West, the East and Africa creating a unique style that continuously launched new trends in the world. Being the most “senior” percussion group, Les Percussions de Strasbourg never ceases to explore new territories and discover new sonorities. The ensemble challenges to make the impossible possible, shaping the model of the future percussion. The prestigious Les Percussions de Strasbourg is top choice for those favoring minimalism or electronic music, and an opportunity that all percussion fans should not miss in seeing the all-time modern icon!
西班牙 大鼓打擊樂團 Odaiko Percussion Group (Spain) 磁鐵般的超強渲染力,精準的完美演出,撼動你的視聽神經 Magnetic! Odaiko Percussion Group is bound shake your roof!
A Spanish group named after the Japanese traditional drum, Odaiko Percussion Group strives to blend various styles of contemporary music, jazz, Flamenco and Indian tribal music with brilliant use of multimedia visuals. Passionate and enticing, Odaiko Percussion Group fires up audiences worldwide in a Spanish fever. Unleash the urge to wave your hands in the air and cheer with the rhythms, there is no resisting the sensational swings of Odaiko Percussion Group.
以色列 皮卡杜擊樂二重奏 PercaDu (Israel) 擁有不思議技巧的美型二人組! Handsome duo with incredible charm and technique!
兩位別具魅力的年輕打擊樂家組成的皮卡杜擊樂二重奏,成軍於一九九六年,並以極快的速度竄紅於國際樂壇,知名指揮家祖賓梅塔(Zubin Mehta)更是稱讚他們擁有「不可思議的精湛技巧,對於打擊樂的掌握出神入化。」兩人以絕佳的默契,演出繁複的樂章,彷彿兩人有八隻手般於鼓與鍵盤間翻飛,動作乾淨俐落,令人直呼痛快!別忘了帶望遠鏡,來看兩位英挺的以色列男子的帥氣演出!
Composed of two attractive young percussionists, PercaDu has not only the looks, but also the talents. PercaDu has rapidly gained its fame in the music world since its inception in 1996. Renowned conductor Zubin Mehta applauded the duo to be “something that even we as musicians find it hard to believe.” PercaDu never cease to demonstrate high dexterity and beautiful interpretation with music classical and modern alike. The duo playing side by side looks as if they have eight dancing hands on keyboards and drums. Their movements are precise, and their music is joyful. So don’t forget to bring your binoculars to watch the beautiful performance of these two Israeli gentlemen!
日本 安倍圭子與日本馬林巴打擊樂團 Keiko Abe& Marimba Ensemble Japan (Japan) 木琴界教主,六根琴槌掌門人,領你進入馬林巴精緻優雅的細膩感動。 Master of marimba. Inventor of six-mallet technique. Keiko Abe & Marimba Ensemble Japan will take you into the intricate world of marimba.
Marimba virtuoso, Keiki Abe, is the first musician ever to play marimba with six mallets. Her dreams of how marimba should sound further brought out the design of the five-octave marimba. Keiko Abe is truly the master of marimba!
Marimba Ensemble Japan is led by Keiko Abe and consists of seven excellent Japanese players. The ensemble have performed in major art festivals around the world, and received strong applause from audiences and critics. Their performance presents the unique Japanese style of delicate emotions and elegant romance. This will be the premiere of Keiko Abe and the Marimba Ensemble Japan in TIPC. Prepare to be enwrapped in the romantic movement of this star-studded marimba night!
匈牙利 阿瑪丁達打擊樂團 Amadinda Percussion Group (Hyngary) 傳統樂器加上現代技法,擊出原始的心跳脈動,為最具獨創性的打擊樂團之一。 Enchanting traditional instruments and dashing contemporary techniques of Amadinda make the heart race with excitement. Amadinda proves to be one of the most original percussion groups in history!
從非洲戰鼓到浪漫德布西,從峇里島傳統祭典到五○年代爵士樂,無所不能的阿瑪丁達打擊樂團,以非洲、大溪地、峇里島等地古老的打擊傳統樂器為開端,深入研究當地傳統打擊樂器,開創新的演奏方式,並以打擊樂改編古典音樂史上的曠世鉅作;就連輕鬆搖擺的爵士樂也是他們的專長。就隨著Amadinda的帶領穿越時空,從非洲的原始大地,一路飛向美國的 Jazz Bar,滿足每一個挑剔的耳朵。
From African war drums to Debussy, from traditional Bali rituals to jazz in the fifties, Amadinda Percussion Group embarks the audiences on a journey through time and continents. Virtuoso of performances, Amadinda Percussion Group satisfies every picky ear.
From Africa to Tahiti and Bali, local traditional percussion music have been reinvented by Amadinda Percussion Group. There is no predicting what comes next, the Group not only soothes with adaptations of renowned Western classical music repertoires in one minute, but they will have you swinging and turning to their jazz tunes the next. Whether you are just picking up percussion music or you are a percussion patriot, be prepared to be swept away by Amadinda Percussion Group!